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Main Street Park Information and Guidelines

Please comply with the following guidelines for reserving Main Street Park to ensure your safety and the beautification of the park

  1. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in Main Street Park or on any other City premises at any time
  2. A key must be obtained for the use of Main Street Park for the restrooms, dressing rooms, air conditioner and the electricity for the bandshell
  3. A $10.00 non-refundable fee is charged for the use of the bandshell without electric usage. A $10.00 refundable deposit for a key for the restrooms is charged and refunded once the key is brought back to the city building 
  4. A $20.00 fee is charged for the electric usage for the bandshell, in addition to a $10.00 key deposit. The key deposit is refundable when the key is returned to the city office. If the key is not returned or the park has not been cleaned up after use, an additional fee may be required per the City Administrator
  5. The use of the ceiling fans, are available with the reserved park permit when the bandshell fees and electric fees have been paid to the city office. A $20.00 fee must be paid prior to the reserved date of the park, along with a key deposit of $10.00 for the restrooms. The key deposit is refundable when key is returned to the city office. Switches for the fans and air conditioning are located in the room on the north side of the bandshell
  6. Air conditioning is available in the dressing rooms for an additional $20.00 fee. The honor system applies to the air conditioning usage. Please pay the appropriate fees prior to using the air conditioning at the city building. The bandshell fee is $20.00 with electricity, air conditioning fee is $20.00 and the key deposit for the restrooms is $10.00, this is a refundable deposit once key is brought back to the city building
  7. A canvas weather cover is available for $750.00. A two-day notice for installation is necessary for installation of the canvas cover. This cover is not available 3 weeks prior to the Old Settler's Celebration in August. 
  8. For party's reserving Main Street Park for musical concerts, the fee is $100.00. The police chief will sign off on any concert in the park. If any noise complaints from the public or any inappropriate use of the park is reported to the police, the police will ask the party to rectify the problem. After the first warning and compliance has not been met, the police reserve the right to request the party to leave the park premises. No fees will be refunded except the key deposit once it has been brought to the city building for the refundable $10.00. 
  9. It is the responsibility of the party reserving the park to clean up the park area and facilities prior to departing the park. Please check the following items prior to leaving the park premises: 
  • Turn-off all lights, close and lock all doors in the ladies and men's restrooms behind the bandshell.
  • Turn-off all lights, close and lock all doors to the dressing and restrooms on the sides of the bandshell. 
  • Turn-off ceiling fans and air conditioning if used.
  • Turn-off switches to electricity to the bandshell. 
  • If decorations are used please take them down.
  • Pick up all trash and put in proper trash receptacles.

Please report any damage to the park facility to the city office when returning the key. If there is a serious problem report the situation immediately to the police or contact the police dispatch at 777-4262. 


Please be considerate of other party's in the park. City parks cannot be entirely reserved by any one party. The bandshell and the picnic tables may be reserved but the remainder of the park is still public. For questions regarding Main Street Park contact the Mulvane City Building at 777-1143, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please fill out the application below.

* Denotes a required field
Date Park Reserved*
Start Time*
End Time*
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Phone Number*
-- ext
Work Phone*
-- ext
-- ext
Facilities Needed - Check All that Apply*
(Key must be obtained for restrooms & bandshell with electricity use - $10.00 key deposit) Bandshell - $10.00 per day Electricity - $20.00 per day (key required) Restrooms - (key required) Air Conditioning - $20.00 per day (key Required) Concert Use - $100.00 Canvas Cover - $750.00 (2 day notice to install - No rental 3 weeks prior to Old Settlers
Please read prior to signing park permit: The holder of this permit has priority use of the above facilities on the days and times reserved. It is understood that the user may be preempted by the City of Mulvane if scheduling arises. The Lessor agrees to be the responsible party if the park has not been maintained properly during usage and may be billed a cleanup fee. The Mulvane Police has authority to ask any party to leave the park if complaints are made or conduct is inappropriate in a city park. Parks are open from 5:00 a.m. to midnight.
Please click submit when finished