Welcome to the City of Mulvane, Kansas

Mulvane Kansas is located on the county line between Sumner and Sedgwick counties, 20 minutes from Wichita and 15 minutes from McConnell Air Force Base.  The city was founded in 1879 as a railroad/agricultural community.  The name Mulvane was selected for the city after deciding that Joab Mulvane was inspirational in developing the city.  Mulvane is a progressive city with officials and community members alike, donating their time for the betterment of the community.  There's something for everyone from schools to assisted living, for your education, health and fun.

Welcome to the Mulvane City Administration Department

The City's Administration department consists of the City Administrator, City Clerk, and staff.  

The City Administrator manages the day-to-day operations of the city. He handles the administration and management of the business and employees of the city.  He is responsible for making recommendations to the mayor and city council on legislation, financial programs, policies, services, and other matters as requested.  

The City's Administration Department is the hub of the wheel of city operations. All other city operations are supported by this department in some form.

Administrative staff performs a variety of functions including, but not limited to, utility billing, accounting, payroll, licensing, human resources, insurance, and council support staffing.

Customer Service Survey

It is important to the City of Mulvane to understand our customer's needs and provide good service. Please take a few moments to complete this survey.

Welcome to the Mulvane Building & Contractors Department

Building Contractors License Classifications

Starting December 1st, 2016 Sedgwick County (MABCD) will be doing all of our licensing and inspections. Upon receiving a permit you will be asked to provide proof of license with Sedgwick County. You will still pull a permit as you normally would through City of Mulvane, For any inspections please call Sedgwick County as you would as if you were doing a job in Sedgwick County. For any questions please feel free to contact the City of Mulvane at 316-777-1143. 

Floodplain Maps

FEMA has determined the effective date for the floodplain maps was December 22, 2016. To view the maps on-line please visit https://gismaps.sedgwickcounty.org/mabcd/fema 

Mulvane's City Council meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 211 N Second Street, Mulvane.

Meet the Council Members

For more information, please contact City Hall

To access City Financial records, please see our Document Center.

If you have any questions about City Financial Records, please contact the Mulvane City Office.


   We Serve So Others May Live    

Welcome to the Mulvane Fire Department

Our Mission: Providing Fire and Rescue  Services for the Citizens of Mulvane & Sumner County, Kansas.

To find out more about Mulvane Emergency Services, please visit our website.

Public Safety Director: GORDON FELL

Brent Allen

City of Mulvane Mayor Brent Allen

I made the choice over 20 years ago to move to Mulvane and start a family. It was the right community to choose to live in. I proudly served our community at the capacity of City Councilman starting in January 2018 until being elected to serve as Mayor for the City of Mulvane in January of 2024.  I previously served on Mulvane City Planning Commission, and will continue to put the families of Mulvane first. I am active in our community at many levels and invite each able bodied resident of Mulvane to join in on making our City of Mulvane great! Decisions will be made, I am sure they aren’t always going to be easy decisions.  Keeping the greater good in perspective is very important to me, our families, our community, and to our city. With all that said, I am dedicated to giving thoughtful insight and making common sense decisions based on information provided to me.

Court Schedule & Appearances

The Mulvane Municipal Court meets on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month beginning at 1:30 p.m.  Trials are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m.  The Municipal Court is located within the Mulvane City Hall building at 211 North 2nd, Mulvane, Kansas.  Phone 316-777-9515; Fax 316-777-0240.  The Court Clerk is available during court sessions, as well as during the week Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Court requests that when defendants appear in court that they sit quietly and without disruption until they are called to the bench.  Please be respectful during court sessions.  Make sure cell phones and other media are turned off.  Food and drinks are not permitted during court sessions.

Defendants are required to appear before the court on all misdemeanor charges and some traffic-infraction charges unless otherwise noted on the back of the citation received from the police officer.  Tickets such as speeding, failure to yield, disregard stop sign, minor in possession of tobacco, etc., can be paid to the Municipal Court Clerk on or before the scheduled court appearance date.  If payment is made prior to court, then an appearance is not required.

When you receive a traffic ticket or notice to appear for a serious or misdemeanor offense (i.e. drive while driver's license is suspended revoked or in violation of restrictions, no driver's license in possession, no proof of insurance, DUI, any alcohol/drug related  and all battery charges), your appearance is required.  Failure to appear will result in a warrant being issued for your arrest as well as notification of possible suspension of your driver's license depending upon your charge.

Click on this link to make a Municipal Court Payment: Municipal Court Payments 

Looking for an application?

The Planning and Inspections Department has the following available for you to download:

There are more applications available in the Document Center.

For more information, please contact the Planning & Inspections Department.

Our Mission here at the Mulvane Police Department

The Mulvane Police Department will do everything within its power to provide protection, arrest law-breakers, and to be of service to all citizens within the community in a professional and ethical manner.

This is the basic mission of every member of the Department, and it can be realized by:

  • Effective use of Resources

  • Utilization of Creative innovation

  • Acquisition of Enhanced Public Safety Technology

  • Acquisition of Community Involvement and Support


This is the philosophy of the Mulvane Police Department. All members of the Department will constantly strive to let the virtues represented by this concept guide their actions and decisions.



About the Mulvane Public Library

The Mulvane Public Library was organized by the Federated Women’s Club in 1921. After an election in 1928, it officially became the City’s Library. The Library has occupied numerous buildings in the downtown area, including the old Pix Theater building for many years. In 2016 the Library relocated to a brand new building at 408 N. 2nd Ave. The new building features a multipurpose room, computer lab, genealogy area, study rooms, comfy seating for people of all ages, and windows!


The Library offers great programs year-round to all ages.  Call us, stop by, or browse our website for the complete listing of services and resources the Library provides the community.


The Library welcomes donations of books and other items. The donated items that cannot be utilized in our collection will go in the Friends Book Sale and the proceeds benefit the Library.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Mulvane Public Library is to provide a well balanced collection of materials and services for community residents of all ages for personal enrichment, enjoyment, and educational needs. The Library is dedicated to promoting literacy and lifelong learning within the community.

To find out more information about the Mulvane Public Library, please visit our website.

Welcome to the Mulvane Senior Center

Open to citizens 55 years and older, the Mulvane Senior Center provides essential resources, engaging activities, and events designed to support healthy, independent
Meals on Wheels are delivered to homebound members, while Friendship Meals are served in-house at 11:45 AM, Monday through Friday (closed on holidays), for a small suggested donation.

Our center offers a variety of activities to bring seniors together, including:
● Exercise Classes (every Tuesday and Thursday)
● Bingo (1st Thursday)
● Card Bingo (1st Tuesday
● Chinese Mah Jongg (every Monday, easiest to learn)
● American Mah Jongg (every Friday)
● Crafts (Fabric dying, T-Shirt designs, Paintings, Home decor, etc.)
● Lunch Bunch (ways to try local eateries)
● Pickleball
● Live Music
● Mexican Train Dominoes
● Pitch & other card games
● Seasonal Celebrations
● Social Gatherings
● Fried Chicken Potluck (every 2nd Thursday)

We also provide essential services to keep our older adults active, healthy, and informed, such as:
● Hermes Footcare
● Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group (with respite care)
● Grief Support Group
● Medicare Enrollment Counseling
● Monthly Blood Pressure Checks
● Nutritional Classes

Additionally, we host special speakers who address senior-specific needs and offer opportunities to connect with senior-focused organizations.

For those seeking adventure and education, we organize short trips to explore historical and natural sites, as well as multi-day trips for those looking for even more fun and excitement.

We offer two types of commodities to support income-qualified individuals:
Open Door Commodities: Guaranteed monthly for seniors 60 years and older who meet income qualifications.
TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program): Available at least 5 months out of the year for all income-qualified households, with no age limit.

If you need transportation, we can help connect you with volunteer seniors in our community for a ride share through the RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program). Please call the Senior Center to set up a ride.

We’d love for you to join our vibrant community! Stop by the Mulvane Senior Center at 632 E. Mulvane St., located on the east side of the Mulvane Recreation Commission building.

For questions or assistance, contact the Senior Center Director, Kaylie Mistretta, at 316-777-4813.

Welcome to the Mulvane Public Works Department

The function of the Public Works Department is to maintain streets, sidewalks, alleys and drainage ways throughout the community as well as maintain the City's sixteen parks and 39 acre Sports Complex.  The department mows and maintains city road right-of-ways in the community as well.

The departments provides snow removal and assists with storm debris clean-up. The department also maintains the City Brush Pit.

Welcome to the Mulvane Utilities Department

The City of Mulvane provides electric, water, & sewer services.  All three services are conveniently billed on one monthly statement.  Utility crews must have access to City meters at all times.   

Click here to sign up for service. 

Click here to pay your deposit.




Patient Focused...Patient Centered...Patient Driven


If you or someone you are with becomes ill or injured and is in need of emergency medical service, here are a few simple steps to follow:

  • KEEP CALM - If you get excited, the patient will too.  It is also easier to give the right information when you are calm.
  • CALL 911 - 911 should be used for all emergencies - Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Service.

Please provide the 911 Dispatcher with the following information:

  • Who you are and who the patient is.
  • What you believe is wrong with the patient.
  • Where you are - your address and any other information that will help us fine you.
  • Provide a phone number if possible; we may need to call you back.
  • Don't hang up he phone until the dispatcher tells you to.
  • Don't move the patient unless her or she is in danger of being injured from their surroundings.

Questions to expect when the ambulance arrives:

  • Does the patient have any medical problems such as diabetes, epilepsy, heart problems, lung problems, or any other medical condition?
  • Is the patient taking any medications?  It is a good idea to gather these together if possible so EMS personnel can make a list.
  • How was the patient injured or how long ago did they become ill?
  • What was the patient doing just prior to being injured or becoming ill?
  • Who is the patient's regular doctor?

These questions are important in helping the Emergency Medical Services to provide the most helpful and appropriate care.


Click here for a Patient Information Form.

Click here for a copy of the AOB Signature Form.


Each year the Mulvane Department of Public Safety compiles data which summarizes the past year involving Mulvane Emergency Medical Services, Mulvane Fire and Rescue, and Mulvane Police Department accomplishments. Our success is largely contributed to the loyalty of our employees, cooperation from our community citizens and support from our local business.

The 2019 Mulvane Department of Public Safety Annual Report provides highlights of all the great things our employees are doing the communities we serve. Every employee strives to serve professionally and with honor, regardless of the challenges we face.


2019 Highlights include

·       In April, the Mulvane Police Department moved into their new facility located at 410 East Main Street. This was a moral boost to say the least. With this move came new technology, procedures, equipment, furniture, and energy. All of these changes provided a foundation for increased efficiency to carry MPD into the future.

·       In July, Mulvane Fire and Rescue took ownership a new Toyne 1,500 GPM Pumper. Engine 404 was purchased by the City of Mulvane for just over $450,000, which also included new hose and thermal imagery camera. 

·       Mulvane EMS trained all city employees on hands only CPR and Stop the Bleed. Each city vehicle is equipped with a Stop the Bleed Kit. These efforts are just one example of the contribution Mulvane EMS has made to the City of Mulvane and the citizens they serve.

Employee of the Year

o   Fire – Kyle Gasaway

o   EMS – Gabe Ponce

o   Police – Kevin Jerrick

o   Director’s Award – Lowell Ester

I would like to give a special thank you to Captain Lowell Ester, Captain Flint McPeak and Captain Peter Swart for their efforts in 2019. It truly is a team effort to provide this great service to the citizens of Mulvane.

Gordon B. Fell

Director of Public Safety

Mulvane, Kansas